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Matilda Mckinney

From: Georgia

District #7
Adella S. Dixon, Macon, Georgia

100 Empire Avenue, Macon, Georgia
[Date Stamp: JUL 28 1937]

Matilda McKinney was born in Texas but was brought to southwest Georgia,
near Albany, at an early age. Her mother, Amy Dean, had eight children,
of which Aunt Matilda is the eldest. The plantation on which they lived
was owned by Mr. Milton Ball, and it varied little in size or
arrangement from the average one of that time. Here was found the usual
two-story white house finished with high columns and surrounded by

Most of the Negro mothers did field work, so it was necessary for others
to care for the children. Mr. Ball handled this problem in the usual
way. He established what would today be called a day nursery. Each
mother brought her offspring to the home of an elderly woman before
leaving for her day's work. Here, they were safely kept until their
parents returned. The midday meal for everyone was prepared at the Big
House and the slaves were served from huge tubs of vegetables and pots
of meat. "Aunt" Julia was responsible for the children's noon meal.

When "Aunt" Matilda was old enough to do a little work, she was moved
into the house where she swept floors, waited on the table, and fanned
flies while a meal was being served. The adult females who lived in the
house did most of the weaving and sewing. All the summer, garments were
made and put away for winter use. Two dresses of osnaburg were then
given each person.

The field hands, always considered an inferior group by the house
servants, worked from sunup to sundown. When they returned from the
fields they prepared supper for their families and many times had to
feed the children in the dark, for a curfew horn was blown and no lights
could be lighted after its warning note had sounded. There was very
little visiting to or from the group which dwelt here, as the curfew
hour was early.

Saturday varied a little from the other week days. The field work was
suspended in the afternoon to allow the mothers time to wash their
clothing. With sunset came the preparations for the weekly frolic. A
fiddler furnished music while the dancers danced numerous square dances
until a late hour.

Home remedies for illness were used much more extensively than any
doctor's medicine. Teas, compounded from sage, boneset, tansy, and
mullen, usually sufficed for any minor sickness, and serious illness was

Food was distributed on Sunday morning. Two-and-a-half pounds of meat, a
quantity of syrup, and a peck of meal were given each adult for the
week. A special ration for Sunday alone was potatoes, buttermilk, and
material for biscuits. Each family had its own garden from which a
supply of vegetables could always be obtained in season. The smaller
children had additional delicacies, for they early learned that the
house where produce was kept had holes in the floor which yielded
peanuts, etc, when punched with a stick.

"Aunt" Matilda was unable to give any information regarding the war, but
remembers that her family remained at her former owner's plantation for
some time after they were freed. She now lives with her granddaughter
who takes excellent care of her. Her long life is attributed to her
habit of going to bed early and otherwise caring for herself properly.

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