There was once a great king of England who was called Wil-liam the Con-quer-or, and he had three sons. One day King Wil-liam seemed to be thinking of something that made him feel very sad; and the wise men who were about him asked him w... Read more of THE SONS OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR at Stories Poetry.comInformational Site Network Informational
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Del Cascar

by: William Stanley Braithwaite

Del Cascar, Del Cascar,
Stood upon a flaming star,
Stood, and let his feet hang down
Till in China the toes turned brown.

And he reached his fingers over
The rim of the sea, like sails from Dover,
And caught a Mandarin at prayer,
And tickled his nose in Orion's hair.

The sun went down through crimson bars,
And left his blind face battered with stars--
But the brown toes in China kept
Hot the tears Del Cascar wept.

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