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You will find poems written through history that focus on the black experience.

A Negro Love Song

Little Brown Baby

Ships That Pass In The Night

Lover's Lane

The Debt

The Haunted Oak

When De Co'n Pone's Hot

A Death Song

Negro Serenade

De Cunjah Man

Uncle Eph's Banjo Song

Ol' Doc' Hyar

When Ol' Sis' Judy Pray


At The Closed Gate Of Justice

Paul Laurence Dunbar

The Negro Singer

The Road To The Bow

In The Matter Of Two Men

An Indignation Dinner

Dream And The Song

'weh Down Souf

Hog Meat

Dusk Song

It Was Not Fate

A Litany Of Atlanta

Dogwood Blossoms

A Butterfly In Church

The Hills Of Sewanee

The Feet Of Judas

Sandy Star And Willie Gee

Sandy Star I

Sandy Star Ii

Sandy Star Iii

Sandy Star Iv

Sandy Star V

Del Cascar

Turn Me To My Yellow Leaves

Ironic: Lld


Sic Vita


O Black And Unknown Bards

Sence You Went Away

The Creation

The White Witch

Mother Night

O Southland!


Fifty Years (1863-1913)

Miss Melerlee

Calling The Doctor

The Corn Song

Black Mammies


Christmas At Melrose

Summer Magic

The Teacher

A Song Of Thanks

Time To Die

'ittle Touzle Head

Zalka Peetruza

Sprin' Fevah

De Drum Majah

Children Of The Sun

The New Day

The Banjo Player

The Scarlet Woman

The Rubinstein Staccato Etude

The Heart Of A Woman

Lost Illusions

I Want To Die While You Love Me

My Little Dreams

The Lynching

If We Must Die

To The White Fiends

The Harlem Dancer

Harlem Shadows

After The Winter

Spring In New Hampshire

The Tired Worker

The Barrier

To O E A



A Prayer

And What Shall You Say?

Is It Because I Am Black?

The Band Of Gideon

Rain Music


The Negro Soldiers

La Vie C'est La Vie

Christmas Eve In France

Dead Fires



Before The Feast Of Shushan

At The Carnival

The Wife-woman



Why Adam Sinned

The Rain Song

Keep Me, Jesus, Keep Me

Winter Is Coming


A Little Cabin

Negro Poets

The Dawn's Awake!

The Washer-woman

The Big Bell In Zion

Star Of Ethiopia

Two Points Of View

To Our Friends

My Hero


To A Skull

Placido's Sonnet To His Mother

Farewell To My Mother

To William Lloyd Garrison

Toussaint L'ouverture

The Slave-ships


The Yankee Girl

The Hunters Of Men

Stanzas For The Times

Clerical Oppressors

A Summons

To The Memory Of Thomas Shipley

The Moral Warfare


The Pastoral Letter

The Farewell Of A Virginia Slave Mother To

Her Daughters Sold Into Southern Bondage

Pennsylvania Hall

The New Year

The Relic

The World's Convention

Massachusetts To Virginia

The Christian Slave

The Sentence Of John L Brown

The Sentence Of John L Brown

Texas Voice Of New England

To Faneuil Hall

To Massachusetts

New Hampshire

The Pine-tree

To A Southern Statesman

At Washington

The Branded Hand

The Freed Islands

A Letter

Lines From A Letter To A Young Clerical Friend

Daniel Neall

Song Of Slaves In The Desert

To Delaware


Randolph Of Roanoke

The Lost Statesman

The Slaves Of Martinique

The Curse Of The Charter-breakers


The Crisis

Lines On The Portrait Of A Celebrated Publisher


A Sabbath Scene

In The Evil Days

Moloch In State Street

Official Piety

The Rendition

Arisen At Last

The Haschish

For Righteousness' Sake

The Kansas Emigrants

Letter From A Missionary Of The Methodist Episcopal Church South, In Kansas, To A Distinguished Politician

Burial Of Barber

To Pennsylvania

Le Marais Du Cygne

The Pass Of The Sierra

A Song For The Time

What Of The Day?

A Song, Inscribed To The Fremont Clubs

The Panorama

Archdeacon Barbour

With Its Frontispiece, Ary Scheffer's "christus Consolator Americanized By The Omission Of The Black Man

The Summons

To William H Seward

Thy Will Be Done

A Word For The Hour

Luther's Hymn

To John C Fremont

The Watchers

To Englishmen

Mithridates At Chios

At Port Royal

Song Of The Negro Boatmen

Abolition Of Slavery In The District Of Columbia, 1862

The Battle Autumn Of 1862

Hymn Sung At Christmas By The Scholars Of St Helena's Island, S C

The Proclamation

Anniversary Poem

Barbara Frietchie

What The Birds Said

The Mantle Of St John De Matha A Legend Of "the Red, White, And Blue," A D 1154-1864

Laus Deo!

Hymn For The Celebration Of Emancipation At Newburyport

After The War The Peace Autumn

To The Thirty-ninth Congress

The Hive At Gettysburg

Howard At Atlanta

The Emancipation Group

The Jubilee Singers


The Quaker Of The Olden Time


The Gallows

Seed-time And Harvest

To The Reformers Of England

The Human Sacrifice


The Shoemakers

The Fishermen

The Lumbermen

The Ship-builders

The Drovers

The Huskers

The Corn-song

The Reformer

The Peace Convention At Brussels

The Prisoner For Debt

The Christian Tourists

The Men Of Old

To Pius Ix

Calef In Boston

Our State

The Prisoners Of Naples

The Peace Of Europe


Ben Jonson, 1615

The Disenthralled

The Poor Voter On Election Day

The Dream Of Pio Nono

The Voices

The New Exodus

The Conquest Of Finland

The Eve Of Election

From Perugia


Freedom In Brazil

After Election


The Problem

Our Country